Cert Training

I have completed the CERT training that was held at the Nature Center on May 16th, 17th and 18th.  It was an intense, 20 hour course on emergency preparedness.  They cover a lot of information in 20 hours and at the very least, you will learn how to take care of yourself and your family after a disaster.   Some people will go on to form teams and help their community after a disaster.  The main focus is on being prepared and keeping yourself and your family safe as well as how to help others in a safe way.  We learned what is safe for us to do and what is not.  CERT team members cannot do the same things that trained fire fighters or paramedics can do, however, they are an important link between those who need assistance and the professionals.

Any adult can take CERT training classes regardless of their physical abilities.  After a disaster there are many jobs to be done and there is something for everyone to do.  Perhaps you can’t perform physical rescues, but you could do paper work.  CERT is not just about running into buildings and saving people or putting out fires.  While those things are important, there are many other tasks that need done as well. Volunteers trained in CERT also offer a potential workforce for performing duties such as shelter support, crowd control and evacuation. The role of a CERT volunteer is to help themselves and to help others until trained emergency personnel arrive.

And even if all you learn is how to take care of yourself and your family, that is a huge help after a disaster because it means you are part of the solution and not part of the problem.  By being prepared and taking care of yourself and your family, you are freeing up resources that can be used elsewhere.  After a disaster, there will be so much need that emergency services will be stretched to their limits and here on the hill, we will be one of the last areas to receive help because there will be so much need off the hill.   I believe the ratio quoted to us was one emergency services person for every 1500 people.

So, as you can see, it will be rough getting help after a disaster.  It is best to be prepared to fend for yourself for several days, if not a week or more.  Learn what to do and how to prepare now.  Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.  Next time there is a CERT training class, sign up and go.  It is free of charge and you will take away tons of helpful information.  An investment of one weekend, could save you or someone you love’s life.

Here is a link to their websites so you can read all about CERT, the training and what it’s purpose is.



Posted in: Emergencies, From the Office

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